There are so many noble causes to support. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. It is not important to find the “perfect” cause but to do service, give back and help fellow sentient beings who are less fortunate or who are making sacrifices for the betterment of the earth and all beings that inhabit it. I care deeply about and have dedicated my life to fairness, democracy, equality, non-discrimination, veganism, love, and compassion.
I offer free, yes FREE! pet training, behavior, nutrition, enrichment, and welfare Phone Consultations for any of the following who qualify! (We require proof)
- Monks or nuns of any religion or faith
- People without homes
We also provide discounted affordable dog training Phone Consultations for pet parents that are struggling financially that don’t meet the above requirements.
Other causes that I support and care deeply about are:
ALDF (Animal Legal Defense Fund)
EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)