At Fun Paw Care we specialize in addressing all types of dog behavior, training, psychological and emotional issues. Our approach to improving dog behavior is always done via fear-free, positive reinforcement dog training utilizing both operant and classical conditioning. We love all dogs and this is the most humane, effective, and compassionate way to care for, teach, and condition all beings.
Here’s more on our dog training philosophy.
The study of dog behavior overlaps many categories and areas of expertise including, dog ethology, cognitive ethology, physiology, evolution, dog emotions, psychology, applied behavior analysis, sociology, animal husbandry, nutrition, learning theory, and anthrozoology, etc.
All dogs need training. Contrary to popular belief, a dog is never too young and never too old to train (just like us).
Some of the most common dog training problems and dog behaviors that parents experience are:
- Dog aggression and reactivity
- Dog anxiety, fear, and stress
- Separation anxiety and its sibling separation/isolation distress
- Potty training
- Puppy biting
- Dog barking
- Resource guarding
- Dog bites
- How to train a dog and puppy
We cover most of these topics in great detail in our free ultimate guides linked above.
One of the many reasons why dog behavior and training is essential at all ages is because, sadly, behavior problems (not medical problems) are the number one reason dogs are killed each year (due to relinquishing a dog to a shelter and having them euthanized).
Russell Hartstein founded Fun Paw Care and became a Certified Dog Behaviorist, Trainer, and Nutritionist in order to help parents communicate more effectively with their pets and enhance the well-being of our companion animals throughout their lifespan.
How Dogs Communicate
A Certified Dog Behaviorist and Trainer will bridge the communication gap between you and your dog.
Dog behavior is the primary way dogs communicated. If we cannot understand dog behavior we are communicating with our ears closed.
Dog behavior is nuanced, subtle, and contextual. Environment plays a key role in why dogs behave the way they do. This all stems from the ABCs (Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequences) and why an organism behaves as it does.
After ruling out medical issues, the antecedent arrangement/environment, behavior, and consequences make up why a dog behaves in a certain way.
Certified Dog Behaviorist & Training Experts
As a Certified Dog Behaviorist, Russell takes a comprehensive approach to dog training, behavior and care and conducts functional assessments to understand why a dog behaves the way it does. To get to the root cause of all behavior a Certified Dog Behaviorist and Trainer must also explore a dog’s emotional state, diet, and general health. These factors make up the complete dog and play an integral role in dog behavior.
Some of the most common dog behavior problems are listed in my guides above and are free for you to enjoy and practice with your dog.
If your dog has more serious behavior issues where their or your quality of life suffers, please call an expert Certified Dog Behaviorist and Trainer today. We aim to help all beings live a fulfilled, happy, and healthy life.
Whether you are from around the world or in Los Angeles, California, Fun Paw Care’s expert Certified Dog Behaviorist and trainer will help you with your dog’s behavior and training today.